A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World

Sunday, April 30, 2006


I'm sure a lot of people studying for the SCJP Java 5 exam will have been to the Java Ranch but in case you haven't I highly recommend you visit this page, it has links to loads of goods sites and also has lots of really useful information.

I really found useful and interesting because they are a collection of frequently asked questions on the SCJP


Not only does the link above have links to useful pages it is almost a one stop shop tackling topics links to mock exams, sun resources, exam preparation, questions like the difference between the 1.4 exam and the 1.5 exam.

about where to find but it also has answers questions about the SCJP Java 1.5/5 exam, topics like, what I like is that it has information no SCJP exam gotcha's

What are some potential trips/traps in the SCJP exam?

Can I have more than one class in a .java source file?

What are the important I/O constructors and methods?

The Java Ranch also has an excellent forum which you can find questions and answers on SCJP questions The Forum is a good thing to check maybe once a day and read a question that is interesting or you don’t know the answer to. If youpracticee for the exam in little bit sized chucks like this it doesn’t seem to much effort and in the end all the little bits add up to a large whole.


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