A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Warning - Taking the SCJP Java 5 Exam Encourages Cleaning and Ironing!

I have found out there are some unusual side effects that no one warns you about when you decide to take the Java 1.5 exam. I'm normally quite a messy a person, as anyone who has seen my desk at work would testify too, not that many people have actually seen my desk because it is camouflaged with all sorts of papers, notes, books (to show I'm studious) and old Papers.

I only study for the SCJP Java 5 exam at home but some study at night and on weekends. Sometimes it is so boring that I will use any excuse to stop studying. Recently like many students I have had to urgently start cleaning the flat, much to the amusement and bewilderment of my girlfriend who has never seen such behaviour in me before. Along with cleaning there are other mundane things I urgently must attend to, things like

reorganizing my CD's
loading up the washing machine and hanging up the clothes that were in it
organise all my files
start reading other un Java exam related text books
draw pictures of animals with hats
ironing all my shirts for the week

The other positive side effect of studying for the SCJP Java 5 exam is that I often feel the need to reward myself with new CD's (to help me study) and my CD collection has grown and a very healthy rate and for a change I have actually listened to them all loads.


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