A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World

Friday, May 19, 2006

Head First Design Meditations

this is a good link to mediation links from the creators of Head First books, it's just a link to some good programming quotes.  It basically follows on the master/pupil theme that is used in the Head First Design book.  You click on the get Meditation and it puts out a new programming or interesting quote


with classics like

"Don't have good ideas if you aren't willing to be responsible for them."
-- Alan J. Perlis
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
-- Albert Einstein
"Motto for a research laboratory: What we work on today, others will first think of tomorrow."
-- Alan J. Perlis
There are many more good quotes for you to have a look at, quite interesting and it is friday after all.  I call this positive time wasting :-)


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