10 tips on writing reusable code
I have been trying to increase code reuse in the projects I have been doing recently. In my first few years of coding I hardly ever got to reuse any of my code because it was always too coupled together and dependant upon other parts of the code.
So recently I have been trying to write code which I can reuse. It has been interesting that since I have been doing this I have noticed that my library of code is starting to grow. I have started to create more Static Helper classes with useful methods in. I have also been removing the business logic away from any Struts actions or framework work.
To do this I have tried to do a number of things to help this and these are the sort of rules and things I do (in no order) to help me try and achieve this. They are a number of rules and tips I have picked up but can't remember where from
1. Keep the code DRY. Dry means Don't repeat yourself. This is one of the main changes I have tried to bring in. Always try to eradicate duplication and if you find any then move remove the duplication to a relevant place. Sometimes this has lead me to create Static Helper classes or sometimes move it to the class it makes most sense to have it.
2. Make a class/method do just one thing. This is along the lines of the advice of giving the class only one reason to change. This often means creating methods that other methods use but this helps to make the methods/classes simple and less coupled.
3. Write unit tests for your classes AND make it easy to test classes. Writing code that is easy to test is decoupled. If you write code and are thinking about writing a unit test for it then you tend to split up the code into smaller testable chunks.
4. Remove the business logic or main code away from any framework code. Following the rules above will help this. An example I have seen is code that is inside Struts Actions classes, this code is practically impossible to reuse because of all the Struts dependencies that it now linked with.
5. Try to think more abstractly and use Interfaces and Abstract classes. Try to hide dependencies of code behind a more Generic interface/abstract class. The benefit this gives the code is it creates a flexible point in the code where you can then hide future changes behind.
6. Code for extension. Write code that can easily be extended in the future. This is particularly true with the above point. If you write code that uses interfaces then you can extend that interface at a later point.
7. Don't write code that isn't needed. Do the simplest thing possible. Don't waste your time adding methods and classes that might be used in the future. Keep the code simple and focused on what you are trying to deliver. I think I read/heard Josh Bloch say once that "if in doubt, leave it out". Basically who wants to write code that no one (including yourself) is going to use again.
8. Try to reduce coupling. When writing code think about the links and coupling the code is creating, does it need to be linked to those other classes.
9. Be more Modular - make your code more modular, think modular, be modular.
10. Write code like your code is an External API. Imagine the code you are writing is a self contained component.
It wasn't going to be ten until I got to 8 and then thought no one writes 8 tips, lets add two more on. It isn't really a list but it's sort of aims and mental notes I try tell myself when writing code. They are more small bits of code I have written recently that has helped. I would like to hear people's comments and especially their tips on writing reusable code
Maybe it's contained in your list implicitly, but I would state it separately:
Stick on (useful) coding conventions!
Anonymous, at Mon Jun 19, 10:25:00 am 2006
What's the publish license of this post?
Anonymous, at Mon Jun 19, 03:02:00 pm 2006
So let me get this straight... are you trying to do Rails in Java?
Anonymous, at Mon Jun 19, 05:01:00 pm 2006
This applies to C# too ;-)
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 07:31:00 am 2006
This comes with experience... often, junior programmers have trouble coding efficiently, resulting in slow, ugly, bloated code.
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 03:14:00 pm 2006
Hey, just letting you know that your blog needs some more styling to it instead of assuming the visitor is using a white background and black text. For me, I'm using a white-on-black theme so all of the text in your blog posts are white and the background of the page itsself is the black I have my theme set to. I have to hit Ctrl+A to read anything.
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 03:28:00 pm 2006
Sounds like someone just got done reading The Pragmatic Programmer :)
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 03:31:00 pm 2006
We have got the pragmatic programmer in the office but someone else is reading it.
Most of these steps are from Josh Bloch interviews/books and Robert C Martin (uncle bob) and his articles here
Also articles on the pragmatic programmer website are excellent.
I have tried to take the best bits from all of those sources and give them a quick summary.
As for the copyright, oh dunno give my blog a quote would be nice.
The Hosk, at Tue Jun 20, 03:39:00 pm 2006
Larry Wall said “The three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris”. Code resuability is one of the reasons why laziness is on this list.
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 05:26:00 pm 2006
Thanks for ignoring IE users. Too bad I can just turn javascript off. Do you really think that would deter people from using their browser of choice? Don't tell your users what to choose. This is their choice.
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 05:28:00 pm 2006
I'm not sure why I am ignoring IE users, I use IE and I can see the blog fine.
Why is this blog ignoring IE users, can someone have mercy and point out the obvious to me
The Hosk, at Tue Jun 20, 05:30:00 pm 2006
Some very useful tips but I would add one more:
Make comments useful & readable for future reference. If, when writing even a 1,000 line class, you can't remember what exactly it does there is going to be no hope of re-using it.
This is elementary stuff but is still important.
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 05:31:00 pm 2006
Can you elaborate more on point 2? I can understand making a function or method perform a single action, but classes need to perform several related actions. For example, a BookmarkManager class can perform several actions related to bookmarking operations, like adding a bookmark, removing one, or updating the bookmark list, etc. I am not sure I agree Classes should generally perform a single function. I'd use a function for that instead. Classes are objects with state (data attributes) and behavior (methods). So naturally, you are going to want to create a class that performs several related operations. If the problem you are trying to solve does not require objects with related state and behavior, then stick to functions. I won't be surprised if I'm misinterpreting that point, though. In the future, I'd also suggest you provide examples for each point you listed. For example, I didn't understand what you meant by static helper classes, but I'm sure if I saw code that demonstrated it, I'd recognize it. Overall, I enjoyed your insights.
Unknown, at Tue Jun 20, 06:14:00 pm 2006
One of the things I do to design functions that perform only a single action is to limit the number of arguments the function can accept. The perfect function accepts zero or one argument. Anything more than 3 arguments is an indicator that I made a bad design decision somewhere. This is also one of my criteria for judging good APIs.
Unknown, at Tue Jun 20, 06:30:00 pm 2006
Mystilleef, he is saying that a class, such as BookmarkManager, should ONLY be responsible for managing bookmarks. So it should add, remove, and modify bookmarks, but not authenticate users. Methods, in the same fashion, should do as little as possible. AddBookmark should simply add a bookmark. Don't use add bookmark to modify bookmarks too.
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 06:56:00 pm 2006
I believe what he is saying is that classes should perform one job. In your example, the class manages bookmarks. It doesn't, for example, manage the cache and perform client-side validation on the side.
-- Spiff
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 07:05:00 pm 2006
Functions with multiple parameters can be far more modular than functions with no parameters. What I like to do is start with a function and find all the variables that change within the body of the function. I make those parameters. After that I split the function into overloaded members and reduce the number of parameters on each overload using default values.
So I tend to disagree that more parameters denote a less modular design.
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 10:09:00 pm 2006
I'll agree with Sam here.
However, really what you want is a way of supplying defaults like in C++, or the signature override like in C#
public void foo(int a, int b, int c):foo(int a, 2, 3)
Which is really nice.
Still prefer Java overall. (Hate C#'s delegates instead of listeners)
Anonymous, at Tue Jun 20, 11:55:00 pm 2006
too much modularity can turn into bloat as well, not just as source code, but also in performance. programming is a balance. i dont always blame junior programmers for writing poor code. its also a matter of that they don't feel the confidence to make larger design decisions, when they are building off a lot of pre-existing code written by many other developers with their own design views.
- Hans (www.antipop.co.uk)
Anonymous, at Wed Jun 21, 12:13:00 am 2006
I'm not so sure about the bit about "static helper classes". In my experience, the existence of static helper classes reduces reusability, since you need to import both the static helper class as well as the class(es) it operates on.
Allow me to elaborate a bit - if a static method accepts no arguments, then it's probably not doing anything very useful (or it's performing operations on static/global data... and I hope I don't need to go into why that's a bad thing). Instead, most static "helper" methods accept at least one argument - almost always an object (as opposed to native) type. Invariably, I see that the static helper method performs an operation on the data of the object (or objects) they were passed as arguments. When this is the case, it almost always ends up making more sense to just move the "static helper" into the object on which it operates... this actually increases reuse, since importing the class type itself gets you the methods on the class as well.
I would guess the most common use of static helper methods I see are "converters" (convert a String to an object type, convert one object into another, etc.)... which invariably make more sense as constructors on the target object type.
Another unfortunate use I've seen static helper classes put to is to act as "null pointer guards"; in other words, they accept, say, a String object and return something like "(s == null ) ? null : s.substring( x, y )". This is unfortunate because the null pointer exception that would be thrown without the guard in this case is a symptom of an actual problem, rather than a problem in and of itself... and "papering over" it this way actually masks the underlying problem (sometimes long enough to create an invalid sale, for example).
Like I said, I'm immediately skeptical when I hear about static methods used for any purpose at all (they have legitimate uses, like Math.cos(), for example, but those are few and far between) - I guess I'd have to see some examples of cases where moving a method out of a class instance into a static holder actually enhances reusability.
Anonymous, at Wed Jun 21, 02:18:00 pm 2006
I'm not sure about static helper classes (classes with a private constructor and just static methods)
but I find sometimes it means you can put a popular function in one place instead of in one class. Usually I might consider it I find I need to use the same function in a number of classes. Do I want the other classes being dependant on that class.
I have static helper classes for FileUtils, CollectionHelper and a general Utility class. They contain methods that don't really need to sit in a class because they are usually finding something, transforming something etc.
The Hosk, at Wed Jun 21, 03:15:00 pm 2006
Nice list. Writing generic code will make it reusable. I think #2 sounds excessive though I think that comes from the Java world of having to write a class for everything. #3 is very true. #4 is essentially what MVC says. The rest is almost fluff.
Anonymous, at Wed Jun 21, 07:51:00 pm 2006
Nice article. Thanks for the DRY - I just wrote it to my notebook to the list of my programming rules.
BTW: I'm the one who digged your article :)
Anonymous, at Thu Jun 22, 07:29:00 pm 2006
Hopefully this is constructive criticism and I don't sound like an ass, that is not my intention...
I thought the list was redundant. What I got out of it was:
1. Modularize your code.
2. Don't couple.
These are great. For those who enjoy what they do and care about style (as geeky as it may be) should learn these ideas on their own.
The #1 conflict I see with this list is that they aren't as much tips for writing reusable code, as much as they are saying, "make your code reusable".
One last note, if you want to learn a beautiful word, learn "terse". It means "effectively concise" and, to me, is better then "DRY". But, one thing school teaches you is that acronyms are a useful and effective study aid.
It wasn't a bad read, just a little misleading.
Anonymous, at Fri Jun 23, 08:40:00 pm 2006
Regarding the code smell of static helper methods: in Java, that's the choice. We can't go extending existing classes willy-nilly like in a more dynamic language.
In some ways this is good, in some ways this is bad.
We can compose, which is okay, but I'd rather just use a String than a MyString. We can duplicate, which is bad for the obvious reasons. We can use J. Random bytecode generation method, which is... a PITA.
Anonymous, at Tue Jul 11, 12:39:00 am 2006
1. Keep the code DRY. You mean factor it properly.
2. Make a class/method do just one thing. You mean factor it properly.
3. Write unit tests for your classes AND make it easy to test classes. You mean factor it properly and understand your own code.
4. Remove the business logic or main code away from any framework code. You mean design it properly.
5. Try to think more abstractly and use Interfaces and Abstract classes. You mean design it properly using Change Cases to ensure architecture is "changeable".
6. Code for extension. You mean use Change Cases to ensure architecture is "changeable"
7. Don't write code that isn't needed. You mean ensure you use requirement management.
8. Try to reduce coupling.
9. Be more Modular - make your code more modular, think modular, be modular. You mean factor it properly
10. Write code like your code is an External API. You mean factor it properly.
I love developers. They fob of software engineering and software architecture, talk of agile methods like they stand apart from the mainstream and then re-invent software engineering 101 in their blogs.
Anonymous, at Fri Sept 08, 03:57:00 am 2006
I'm not re-inventing anything and I think it fairly obvious that I didn't even invent most of these points.
All I am saying is that when coding I try and make sure my code sticks to these points.
The Hosk, at Fri Sept 08, 08:55:00 am 2006
wow, those ten tips and the newly added 11th tip(adding Comments) are very nice but I have small doubt, when we think in the reusable direction, if a function is going to read some files and some dependent inputs are there where we have to keep them, if we think modularity way we can't pass them as parameters? So does we need to use any properties file or properties class?
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