A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World

Friday, August 18, 2006

From soup to nuts

I was reading the Sturts-action userGuide (link here) the other day and it had this quote at the end

"It is wise to avoid creating lengthy and complex Action classes. If you start to embed too much logic in the Action class itself, you will begin to find the Action class hard to understand, maintain, and impossible to reuse. Rather than creating overly complex Action classes, it is generally a good practice to move most of the persistence, and "business logic" to a separate application layer. When an Action class becomes lengthy and procedural, it may be a good time to refactor your application architecture and move some of this logic to another conceptual layer; otherwise, you may be left with an inflexible application which can only be accessed in a web-application environment. The framework should be viewed as simply the foundation for implementing MVC in your applications. Struts Action Framework provides a useful control layer, but it is not a fully featured platform for building MVC applications, soup to nuts."

I wondered what the saying from soup to nuts meant. This website gave me an explanation

Seems to have a decent sounding explanation, coming from the 17th Century "From Eggs to Apples" The website and others I have seen states that the saying means

"through or from the beginning to the end, sparing no detail"

this website has other versions of the same saying

so there you go and now you know. It's quite a funny statment to have in a user manual type thing, it's not that clear but on the flip side of the coin it's quite interesting and quirky and that's what apache is all about, it gives the document a bit of character.


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