A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

IT joblessness 'at lowest level since downturn'

I read this article IT joblessness 'at lowest level since downturn' which is saying that the time between jobs for IT contractors is down to it's lowest level since the IT downturn (when ever that was). Here is a direct quote

The number of IT contractors spending more than three months between contracts has dropped to four per cent from 13 per cent in 2002, according to new research.

actually I like the sound of this quote even more

Matthew Brown, managing director of giant group, said: "It's looking increasingly likely that aggressive headhunting of key IT workers, which characterised the last technology boom, will make a return."
Well I like the sound of a technology boom. The article also makes a good point that contractors will soon be in demand because of the release of Vista, where I suppose they will be installing and configuring that. This of course is encouraging news, I have read a number of articles recently which is hinting that IT pay and jobs in IT on the rise. I blogged about Jobs in IT on the rise a few weeks ago.

If it means I get more pay then I am all for it.


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