A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Top 10 Must-Read Java Programming Books

I read this article - Top 10 Must-Read Java Programming Books today and found the list a bit odd really. I have never thought of 10 books just for Java developers and perhaps some criteria for this list was that they all had to have the work Java in the title. The list is bizarre because why shouldn't books like the complete programmer or pragmatic programmer be included or maybe the GOF book. In fact there are lots of books about programming skills like refactoring, design patterns which I would have thought would have been on the list but perhaps those books are for a different list, so I will look at the books on the list. I have just copied the list if you can read the article if you would like to know a bit more about each book

1) Thinking in Java
2) Java in a Nutshell
3) Effective Java Programming Language Guide
4) Java Examples in a Nutshell
5) Swing, Second Edition
6) Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition
7) Enterprise JavaBeans
8) Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB
9) Concurrency: State Models & Java Programs
10) Concurrent Programming in Java

I'm not sure when this article was written but I would have expected Head First Java to be on the list and that would certainly be top of my list. My other point of contention is the placement of Effective Java Programming. The ideas in the effective Java book are simple but as the title says Effective.

I'm not sure if I can get my head around a list of books just for Java but I suppose reading all these you would be top of the class but a part of thinks that it might be good to read some books on another language or something else.


  • Interesting selection - like you I'm surprised that there's no Head First. Also I'd rate Just Java 2 pretty highly. And Java Concurrency In Practice has got to be there. Contrast this list with the TechBookReport book recommendations for Java

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Oct 11, 04:20:00 pm 2006  

  • http://www.wickedcooljava.com/

    This is the best java book I read this year.

    -- Owen

    Owen Densmore 505-988-3787 http://backspaces.net
    Redfish Group: 505-995-0206 http://redfish.com http://friam.org/

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Oct 15, 06:03:00 am 2006  

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