A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World

Monday, September 04, 2006

Pragmatic programmer list of tips

I found this today and it's a really quick but useful list of tips on the pragmatic programmer website. It's a simple idea but a good one, I'm sure everyone has a few tips which they use when programming. I wrote 10 tips on writing reusable code so I could jog my memory when coding to try and make sure that I thought about trying to make the code reusable. In fact a lot of my blog entries are tips to myself on practices and methods which make it easier to write good code.

Here are few of the more interesting

Make It Easy to Reuse
If it's easy to reuse, people will. Create an environment that supports reuse.

DRY---Don't Repeat Yourself
Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

Write Code That Writes Code Code generators increase your productivity and help avoid duplication.

Minimize Coupling Between Modules
Avoid coupling by writing ``shy'' code and applying the Law of Demeter.

here is the link so you can go and read them all yourself


I might even pin it the rules up somewhere on my desk


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